Friday, January 30, 2009


So I have been majorly slacking on reading, I admit. And I won't have any time to read this weekend because of my "sweet" plans. [Basketball games, dress shopping, traveling choir, super bowl party...oh yes and a sweet double date!] I woke up this morning very tired because of our very early practice the evening before and the excitement of last night's basketball game where we almost beat Laconia. [I won't forget Nathan's memorable quotes...I missed Karen cause we couldn't do the Tyluh dance...] Anyways, then I started reading 17 magazine. Then I had this epiphany that was actually reading too. So that is what I am going to blog about this week...17 magazine. It gave me good hair advice and guy advice. It also told me how I know if I have an eating disorder which I definitely don't have. So yeah that's my post for the week.

10 hours.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Here we go...

Because of my very busy weekend ahead, I won't have time to post this weekend so I am quickly doing it now. I finally finished the third book. It was amazing. Mr. Strusz will probably be very disappointed in me because I plan on reading the fourth book ASAP. :] Then I will probably find some other girly teenage literature to read! I'm not 100% sure yet. I plan on going to the library this weekend or next weekend to find some good reads.

Total Reading time: 9.5 hours. <--happy strusz?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Grr Life.

The only reason I am blogging right now is because my computer recently crashed and I am now waiting for my itunes to reinstall. And yes, I lost all my music. And you know because Ipods are stupid and only sync to one music library? Well, that music library no longer exists. Chad tried for a while to try to work around it and it simply just couldn't be worked around. Anger. So I am right at the end of Eclipse...They are out fighting the evil vampires and such. And Jacob and Bella did that surprising thing before he left...? If you've already read the Twilight books you probably think I'm crazy because I stopped right at the end. Well, you see, I have a problem. If I read past the hours of 9, I fall asleep. I don't want to, but it just happens.
If you have any good music ideas, please let me know because there is no way I can remember all the songs I need to download so thanks :]
Oh and if you want to see an AMAZING movie...Gran Torino <---go see it.
Total Reading Time: 8 hours

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I finally have the third one :]

Christmas break is coming to a close and it is making me sad. I finished the 2nd Twilight book a couple of days ago. The ending was much better than the rest of the book. I don't have the third book and I anxiously wanted to read it so I asked my good friend, Leslie. Of course knowing her, she forgot it...two days in a row even after I texted her and reminded her. Oh that girl ;] Well she remembered to give it to me yesterday at basketball practice and that made me pretty happy. I was quite upset though that I didn't have time to read it due to my sweet plans. Well due to my not sweet plans today I am now well into the third book. Nothing great has happend so far but I am eagerly awaiting to see if Bella chooses to become a vampire or not. Edward makes me happy. That's all I have for now. I'm going to go read more now because I am a loser and have no life on a Saturday night. <3

Total Reading time: 5 1/2 hours. Total Pages: 546 [new moon] 203 [Eclipse]