Saturday, January 17, 2009

Grr Life.

The only reason I am blogging right now is because my computer recently crashed and I am now waiting for my itunes to reinstall. And yes, I lost all my music. And you know because Ipods are stupid and only sync to one music library? Well, that music library no longer exists. Chad tried for a while to try to work around it and it simply just couldn't be worked around. Anger. So I am right at the end of Eclipse...They are out fighting the evil vampires and such. And Jacob and Bella did that surprising thing before he left...? If you've already read the Twilight books you probably think I'm crazy because I stopped right at the end. Well, you see, I have a problem. If I read past the hours of 9, I fall asleep. I don't want to, but it just happens.
If you have any good music ideas, please let me know because there is no way I can remember all the songs I need to download so thanks :]
Oh and if you want to see an AMAZING movie...Gran Torino <---go see it.
Total Reading Time: 8 hours


  1. Jessie Hello. You blog is not like mine. It is a different color. Yes i sadly do know that ice skating is in my future. I like the bold and italic fonts in your blog. Goodbye son.

  2. If you download a program called iDump, you can pull songs very easily off of your iPod. This gets around the syncing problem.

    If all of your songs were on your computer, and no place else, then you're in trouble.
