Friday, January 30, 2009


So I have been majorly slacking on reading, I admit. And I won't have any time to read this weekend because of my "sweet" plans. [Basketball games, dress shopping, traveling choir, super bowl party...oh yes and a sweet double date!] I woke up this morning very tired because of our very early practice the evening before and the excitement of last night's basketball game where we almost beat Laconia. [I won't forget Nathan's memorable quotes...I missed Karen cause we couldn't do the Tyluh dance...] Anyways, then I started reading 17 magazine. Then I had this epiphany that was actually reading too. So that is what I am going to blog about this week...17 magazine. It gave me good hair advice and guy advice. It also told me how I know if I have an eating disorder which I definitely don't have. So yeah that's my post for the week.

10 hours.


  1. 17 is very informational i'm glad you learned you do not have an eating disorder, this is good! 10 hrs though, come on jessie you could be doing other sweet things with your time!Like reading long boring novels! but at least you got good hair and guy advice.
