Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sorry this is past 7..

I went to a baseball game today and it was sweet. While I was at that game, I read my Twilight book. [like i do every game] Bella and Edward got married. It was a good time. I also want to get married someday, but not at age 18. Yesterday was Valentine's Day and it was a very good day :] The boys had a game and I hung out with Karen and listened to her ipod. When you shake it, it changes the song. St. Lawrence has 25 cent ice cream cones and they throw people up in the air. What a great day. Then after the game I went with some people to Faro's and got "weapons of mass destruction" That was the funniest time I've had in awhile. Anyways, I'm going to continue putting music on my ipod. Later.

Total Time: 13 hours. Pages: 1469


  1. St. Lawrence has AWESOME ice cream.

  2. jessica.
    1. if you are going to tell important events about twilight pubicly on your blog.[such as edward & bella's marriage] i will stop reading your blog. maybe. but prolly not. it spoils the surprise for me.
    2. false. you have not read your book at EVERY baseball game. remember that one time you, bry, and I saw leslie there?? haahahahaa.
    3. yes. i am deep.
    4. i turned my ipod off of shake-mode, so next time you use it.. you'll hafta turn it back. ;]
    5. true. St. Lawrence DOES have awesome ice cream.
    6. you're kinda like the bomb. like tick-tick.
    7. & imma uh diva.
    <3 xox
