Sunday, March 8, 2009

So I read a whole crapload this week. Like 5 hours or so. It was amazing cause I actually had time to myself to do whatever I wanted to. I am almost finished with Breaking Dawn. I saw the play this weekend. That was a good time. I thought that it was very good but verrry long. Yesterday Karen slept over! :] We did fun things like fellowship at church and go to B-dubbs. Then we went to the movie Slumdog Millionaire and it was really good. Then we went to Wendy's and got Frosty's. Chad and Keith were along too. It was an all around good double date and yes, Karen made the "team". First string! haha. So yeah. That's all I got.

P.S.--Strusz, Chad and i drove by your house.

Total Hours: 20
Total book so far: 3


  1. i love fellowship.
    i love being first string. [:
    <3 xox

  2. Did you take a picture?

    I don't appreciate drive by shootings!
